Tag: Maine

  • How to Find 10 Warblers this Spring

    How to Find 10 Warblers this Spring

    Tips to find the most popular and colorful birds in the Northeast They’re tiny. They’re colorful. They’re loud. They’re often foraging high in the leafiest canopies, making them impossible to see even while bending over backwards. See below, the Blackburnian Warbler with bright orange throat, notorious for foraging way high up. Despite the challenges of…

  • Barnard Mountain – Trail Review

    Barnard Mountain – Trail Review

    Maine’s Katahdin Woods &  Waters National Monument is one of the most recent additions to the National Park System. President Obama designated the monument by executive order on August 24, 2016. But the story begins long before that. As early as 2001, Burt’s Bees’ cofounder, Roxanne Quimby, began purchasing logging land with the intention of…

  • Tunk Mountain – Trail Review

    Tunk Mountain – Trail Review

    During my last years of high school, after discovering the independence that a car can offer, I became comfortable hiking solo. I slowly sought out the unmarked state land, never ending US Forest Service roads, or off trail hideouts. Places to simply escape and explore. The thrill of discovering these new areas by myself was…