Category: Human Ecology

  • The Story of an Hour

    A Summer Poem Inspired by the last few weeks of wandering around in the woods—searching for owls in the dark (without success), the coming and going of wildflowers, seeing hungry fledgling chicks all around, and thinking about the limits of time and perspective. Revel in summer: watch my short film from a lighthouse 11 miles…

  • Is There Room for Pupfish in the Desert?

    Is There Room for Pupfish in the Desert?

    The town of Shoshone, California, population 31, lies between the border of Death Valley National Park and the Nevada state line. A saloon is the only business open after 6pm. Across the street, flashing light bulbs advertise LIQUOR and SOUVENIRS. The gas station sells the usual roadside conveniences along with Indian crafts and sparkling geodes.…

  • Wi-Fi in Wild Spaces? No thank you.

    Wi-Fi in Wild Spaces? No thank you.

    Imagine camping in a national park. Do you picture sitting around a smoldering campfire enjoying gooey s’mores and planning tomorrow’s hike? Me too. But a team of Trump-appointed advisors wants to modernize that outdated scene. Earlier this month, The Guardian reported that an advisory committee pitched a plan to “upgrade” national park campgrounds with Wi-Fi,…