Tag: Conservation

  • Animating Maps to Show the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species

    Animating Maps to Show the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species

    Invasive species threaten fish populations and water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams across America. For a project on invasive species awareness, I’ve drafted animated maps of the spread of invasive species across North America. Data comes from the USGS’s Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) map center. The process involves importing data into QGIS, exporting the…

  • My Master’s Thesis: Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change

    My Master’s Thesis: Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change

    I graduated from the University of Montana this spring! Below, you can watch my thesis defense on adaptation in agriculture. Apologies for no human faces, I thought Zoom would save at least my own! Thesis Abstract In Montana, climate change is projected to increase interannual variability and the severity of weather events like drought. To…

  • ‘Connectivity Conservation’ Published in Parks Stewardship Forum

    ‘Connectivity Conservation’ Published in Parks Stewardship Forum

    Big news: I had a photo-essay published in Parks Stewardship Forum! This issue of PSF is dedicated to moving beyond fortress conservation and toward a conservation of connections. PSF is an online, interdisciplinary, open-access journal co-published by the University of California–Berkeley’s Institute for Parks, People, and Biodiversity and the George Wright Society. PSF’s mission: to…